The future of smart cities and light

Signify (formerly Philips Lighting)

My next keynote was in Belgium – at the inspiring location ‘De Ark’ in Antwerp. For the first time since COVID, a large group of Signify distributors gathered to try out Signify’s new products and services.

During the keynote I spoke about the city of the future, and that it’s a ‘system of systems’. Think of mobility systems, logistics systems, but also construction, safety, energy, and healthcare. According to forecasts, by 2030 more than 200 billion devices – including lights –  will be connected to each other. Light systems are becoming hyper-intelligent and will adjust to our needs and expectations. They will follow our daily routines, switching on and off as needed. Smart lights will also ensure that we can grow strawberries in smart greenhouses in the desert – or on Mars. Light is getting a new digital business model as part of the ‘interact’ city.

During the keynote I also spoke about the power of dealer channel innovation. Think new technologies like 3D printing and ready-to-use city-in-a-box services served directly from the cloud. It’s these types of developments that distributors should prepare for. Hard work is needed to accelerate their change, together with new skills, ecosystems, new leadership and collaboration with young people (reverse mentoring) within the organisation.