Richard van Hooijdonk

More than 400 brands enjoy working with Richard


Featured lecture

Trends 2040. Are you ready?

This lecture takes you to the most inspiring and impactful trends for 2040 and much more. But are we also safe in the world of tomorrow? And what does the future hold for organisations and leadership? How do we manage uncertainty? Interesting for all audiences. Customisation possible.

De AI Revolutie

Featured lecture

The AI revolution

The impact of AI is enormous, and the next step – generative AI – is even more profound. AI has a major impact on organizations, jobs, and business models. This lecture will take you through the infinite possibilities of AI and provide inspiring answers on how we should deal with the AI revolution. Are you ready?


Featured lecture

The company of the future

Dominated by exponential technology and disruption, the world around us is changing rapidly. As an organisation, how do you deal with these changes? How do you successfully manoeuvre towards the future? Which steps can you take?

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Why choose Richard as a speaker?


Inspiring keynote speaker

For over 10 years, Richard has been a highly sought-after speaker for renowned global organisations and is among the top international speakers. He is also the founder of the future intelligence agency,



His passion is to inject a fresh new mindset that helps individuals and organisations understand, embrace, and explore the world of tomorrow.



Through his future intelligence blog, he shares new insights weekly about the future, inspiring trends, and the latest developments. There are over 2000 articles and more than 60 books and e-books available.

Performances & Media

Richard van Hooijdonk

Trendwatcher, futurist and international keynote speaker Richard van Hooijdonk takes you to an inspiring future that will dramatically change the way we live, work and do business.

As a futurist, keynote speaker and trendwatcher, Richard van Hooijdonk is an authority on new technology. He has several chip-implants, because he wants to physically experience the future. His inspiration sessions have been attended by over 600,000 people. Richard is a regular guest at radio and television programs.

With his international research team, he researches many trends in the fields of artificial intelligence & generative AI, robotics, drones, self-driving systems, 3D & 4D printing, sensors, blockchain, quantum computing, neurotech, biotech, platforms, and augmented & virtual reality. Combined with artificial intelligence, these technologies offer groundbreaking opportunities, but also lead to challenges and threats for people, organisations, and governments.


Interested in a lecture?

Are you interested in booking a lecture for your event or would you like more information? Complete the form and Richard will contact you as soon as possible. You can also call +31 6 41 33 00 00