
What did our customers think of Richard?

More than 600,000 listeners took part in inspiring lectures by Richard van Hooijdonk.


‘Impressive’, ‘The perfect inspiration’, ‘Fantastic lecture’, ‘Very energetic’, ‘A true visionary’, ‘To the point’, ‘Whirling presentation’, ‘Well-substantiated’ ,‘Smashing kick-off’, ‘Unusual, dynamic, and inspiring’, ‘Flashing journey’, ‘Shaken awake’, ‘Great story’.


“With your presentation you awakened the customs organisation. At the end of the day it turned out that your presentation had made the biggest impression. You made sure the issues were put on Strategic Management’s radar.”

Alex Drost
Director Dutch Customs

“Great keynote that really opened our eyes. Sparkling and energetic, from beginning to end. Thanks Richard, for showing us this different view of the fitness market and its future.”

Arjan van Dijk

“The symposium ‘Airpower in the Information Age’ was a great success. Nothing but positive feedback from the participants. In no small part thanks to your commitment and dedication, we were able to achieve this result.”

Alexander Schnitger
Lieutenant-General Royal Airforce

“An impressive and noteworthy presentation for our employees and customers. The rate at which change is happening – which you eloquently brought across in your energetic speech – requires a disruptive approach. To be continued!”

Rob Pols

“A dazzling journey through new technology. The enthusiasm and energy during his presentation, combined with the visuals, provided a successful kick- off to our event.”

Patrick Steemers
Partner Deloitte

“Your contribution was particularly dynamic and inspiring! The participants experienced recognition, awareness and certainly, a wake-up call. In short, an excellent contribution through a highly professional performance.”

Jan Struijs
Commander Dutch Politie

“Enthusiastic speaker, a good and versatile story. Everyone was ‘wowed’ by the lecture.”

Maarten Buikhuisen
Global operations

“You gave us all honest, inspired and entertaining insights. Your performance was highly appreciated by the conference participants and EU members.”

Manfred Graf
Director - General EC

Are you interested in a lecture?​

Please contact us to arrange an introduction.

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